Saturday, November 21, 2009

Why are african hair styling not accepted my peers?

Why don't middle and lower class have a problem with african hair styles? Why don't our men enjoy the beauty of african hair? We are born with it why can't we keep it healthy and clean and be accepted? Why can't I find a job with my afro and braids? Why do some Black Educators phohibit african hair styles while training?

Why are african hair styling not accepted my peers?

Unfortunately, we've been conditioned to believe that there is only one standard of beauty in our society. We're constantly bombarded with that image. That is why our men tend to adore the long and straighter hair styles. That is also why you may have a harder time getting a job and your friends may not like your choice of hairstyle. The good news is that people are becoming more accepting of different hairstyles and it is not uncommon to see a natural sista in corporate America or any other place. Keep rocking your hair the way YOU like it and the more people see it, the more they will HAVE to get used to it!

Be blessed...

Why are african hair styling not accepted my peers?

People can't accept slavery is over!!! People are still living back in the days where afrcian americans didn't have freedom. Keep natural my sister

Why are african hair styling not accepted my peers?

Girl dont even worry about it, if they cant except you for who you are and what you look like then thats their loss.

Why are african hair styling not accepted my peers?

Its unfortunate that society has shun many things. Some probably feel that the...exquisite styles can be distracting. But that also goes for people who dye their hair blue or green or have some funky emo/goth/funky hairstyle. Society now just sees it as a distraction and not a form of individuality or self expression. Hopefully one day people won't be so narrow minded!

Why are african hair styling not accepted my peers?

Because this world still has a lot of catching up to do. They say we're all equal, but we not. Why? Don't know, but it's rather....mesed up.

Why are african hair styling not accepted my peers?

Because we are hypnotized by society into the "european" effect. If you dont have Straight hair or light eyes you are not "attractive" these arent my thought but this is how lots of people think. If a black women keep her hair natural, rocking an afro , its not considered sexy. This is just a crazy world, no one will ever be accepted

Why are african hair styling not accepted my peers?

I don't know. It does seem like people want everybody to have hair like a white woman, just straight and long or straight and short cut. But black women do wear their braids at schools and at jobs. Black women can do all the things with their styles that white women can. We can wear it down, wear it back in a bun, put it in a ponytail, wear an updo and much more. Braids are very beautiful, and even women of different races (including white women) wear them or twisted rows in their hair. It seems like black women can wear their beautiful braids at work from my experiences, but black men are discouraged from doing the same because people label black men with braids as thugs instead of as african american men wearing an african american style, which is sad. Now I love the look of brads, cornrows, twists, neatly kept locs...but I am a black woman who does not care for Afros! Personally, my hubby keeps a nice, clean haircut and i think he looks his best with that. If he wanted something different, i would recommend he wear the tiny twisted locs of hair going back which also looks nice...before I ever approve him walking out that door with a head full of wild hair reaching towards the ceiling. The afro is pretty much the only hair style I don't like, that and outrageous hair colors. Im sorry, but my hubby dresses in business suits, I just don't think it would look right. Now, if he was wearing something casual and a jersey, it would be fine (he would never want to grow his hair that long and definitely would not wear an afro himself anyways). But hair and fashion do have to compliment one another for me.

Why are african hair styling not accepted my peers?

Maybe it's just where you live. i wear braids all the time and I have never had a relaxer, and I do okay. If someone is discriminating you because of your hair then go get a lawyer because that **** is illegal and stupid. Some people need to grow the **** up.

Why are african hair styling not accepted my peers?

Because we want everyone to be like us. So we don't accept differences and want you to straighten and style your hair like you are a darker version of us.

It is sad and pathetic. You should do what feels right and looks good for you and screw everyone else.

You don't want to work someplace that discriminates against you. They are not worthy of you.

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