Saturday, November 21, 2009

Wavy/curly hair styling?

i have hair that is wavy, kind of curly depending on what i do with it. right now i straighten it all the time, but im sick of having to do that all the time and i would like to find a style that works with my hair type.usually when i 'attempt;' to style my hair wavy, i put some mousse or biosilk in it when its damp, then i blow dry it and i try to put the strands the stretch out the curly bit and make it more wavy. it always turns out puffy and gross. what can i do to make my hair look decent?

Wavy/curly hair styling?

I would recommend doing what you are doing but do not blow dry it because then it poofs it out what I do with mine is when I get out of the shower I use biosilk hair serum then I brush my hair and put the part the way I want it then apply mouse, usually Herbal Essence mouse and crunch it a little to give it the curly look. Do not blow dry your hair, it makes it dry and your hair becomes weak. See my hair pics on my myspace.

Wavy/curly hair styling?

blow dry w/a diffuser.

Wavy/curly hair styling?

Read the book Curly Girl by Lorraine Massey. I have hair like yours and this book was a huge help. I used to kinda hate my hair because it just looked frizzy all the time, but now I like my hair and can do more with it. Give it a try!

Wavy/curly hair styling?

you can either get a perm if you want to wear it curly or you can have it straightened with a chemical that is supposed to make your hair Straight without doing anything to it. YOu can go to a salon and they will do it for you!

Wavy/curly hair styling?

blow dry on low heat. Heat is what makes it puffy and dry looking. Try hot curlers. If your hair is really wavy, using the curlers will make it less wavy and even. Try a shorter style so if there is more involved with getting it to where you want, less to deal with.

Wavy/curly hair styling?

I have very curly hair, when I blow dry (always with a diffuser) it gets curlier. If you want more wave than curl I would suggest applying mouse and some leave in conditioner when hair is soaking wet, scrunch it with a towel and let it air dry. Blow drying, even with a diffuser always makes my hair bigger....

Wavy/curly hair styling?

I have the same hair type as you and it is hard to deal with, I cut mine off really short as it suits me better but when I had it long I used to use Umberto Giannini products, they worked very well for my hair. They do a shampoo and conditioner and styling products for curly hair, After washing my hair I would wrap it in a towel for about 15 minutes and then tip my head upside down and scrunch my hair up into my fists in sections to encourage the curl. I let it naturally dry and then scrunched through the mousse from the same range (about a golf ball sized amount) and then I would use a diffuser to dry it, upside down as it adds more body. Once it was dry I would then spritz with hair spray (still holding my head upside down) and then when you stand up right again it should be really nice curls. My hair was about chin length in a bob so it worked pretty well most days.

Wavy/curly hair styling?

Be sure to use a diffuser on your blow dryer and use shampoo, conditioner and styler that is for curly hair (Dove is inexpensive and works well). Be sure not to touch your hair too much with your hands as this will make it frizzier.

Wavy/curly hair styling?

let it dry naturally and see what kind of body your hair has. from there see how you can style. the straightening and constant blowdrying gets tiring and can damage your hair. i use some leave-in conditioners and other creams to cut down on the puffyness

Wavy/curly hair styling?

I hear ya sister!

I came from the same boat as you, sounds like. My current solution is that I got Japanese straightening done on my hair (approximately 8 hours, and $400 including tip) for smooth, stick straight, silky shiny zero-frizz hair. I think wavy hair is beautiful but I think the hassle of having to style it EVERY DAY was becoming way too much, and the convenience of having straight hair was sooo nice- hop in the shower, hop out, towel dry, and head out and turn heads. If you opt for this, find someone who uses Liscio system, and make sure they do the procedure fairly often and have references because I went to someone who didn't have much experience to save money and I regretted it.

There are also curl relaxers, a more intermediary option that I haven't personally tried, but my friend has had some luck with, where it costs less and merely relaxes some of the curl to get out frizz. You are left with wavy hair that should be easier to manage. However I can't recommend anything specific.

However, if that doesn't sound like an alternative to you, there isn't too much that you can do to alleviate poof. I would definitely recommend using a diffuser on your hair dryer to keep the shape of your curls. Flip your head over and focus heat on your roots to give them lift so that you aren't doomed to have pyramid syndrome (hair flat at the roots and super poofy at the ends). If you towel dry your hair, stop, because it aggravates the shaft of your hair. Instead, try using a cotton t-shirt and rubbing down the hair shaft to soak up excess water.

Good luck!

Wavy/curly hair styling?

I have wavy/curly hair too. My hair is thin though and when I straighten it it gets really flat. So I usually try to style mine curly. Mouse is not strong enough to hold your hair. I wash mmy hair, then brush it back with my fingers, get some spray gel and spray it all over your wet/damp hair and i mean ALL over. Make sure you distribute it from root to tip (regualr gel wont work). throw your head upside down, and blow dry keeping your head upside down, DO NOT run your fingers through your hair this will give it the poof. Dry your hair COMPLETELY or you will have the poof when it drys on its own. Flip your head back up and tame it down. Its should be perfect and ready to go. It doesnt take very long to style it this way and it looks great. thats why I do it! hope this helps!

Wavy/curly hair styling?


It's very easy to get a beautiful head of wavy/curly hair with your hair type. Buy yourself some frizz-ease/curl creme or leave-in conditioner rather than mousse and buy a wide tooth comb instead of a brush. Also buy a diffuser attachment for your hairdryer.

When you get out of the shower (having used a good shampoo and a fair amount of conditoner), put in the frizz-ease/curl creme/leave in conditioner and comb your hair through. Then section the hair into lots of equal sections and twist those sections in order to make you look (temporarily, mind!) as if you have dreadlocks (ish). Turn on your hairdryer with diffuser onto the lowest possible setting and gently tease the twists of hair into the barrel of the diffuser by having the hairdryer pointing upwards into the hair. Use a kind of twisting motion with the hairdryer and, keeping it pointed upwards, rough dry the twists up to the root all around. Don't keep the hairdryer on one spot for too long and don't dry the hair for too long- it should still be slightly damp when you're done.

Use your fingers to tease open the twists of hair and you should have created glossy curls. DO NOT USE A BRUSH ON THEM! If there is a knot, use your fingers or the wide tooth comb. Using a brush will make it really frizzy. Tackle frizz with a curl creme or spray.

Hope this helps!

Wavy/curly hair styling?

First, do not use mousse. You mention you have problems with frizzy, puffy hair...the purpose of mousse is to add volume to the're not in need of the volume it seems. I would recommend a product line called Deva Curl. I know it's sold in salons, and I don't know how much you are willing to spend to maintain your curl, but this line is excellent. The normal shampoos on the market, even those for curly hair, contain ingredients that are drying and damaging to curls. These shampoos, conditioners and gels (not hard-drying, stiff gels...very touchable soft) work wonders on curly hair.

Also when you towel dry your hair when you finish your shower, do not use a regular towel. The loops on them will grab strands of hair and pull them apart, causing the frizzy look as it dries. Instead use a cotton towel or cotton tee shirt. This will take the wetness out while leaving your curls intact. And of course, use a wide tooth comb or pick....the best tool though would always be your fingers. If at all possible run your hands through your hair to separate any tangles. Sometimes a comb or pick will separate the curls too much and in the end your hair looks big and puffy.

If you have any more questions, I'll be happy to help.

Wavy/curly hair styling?

I would suggest NOT chemical straightening your hair. That is very damaging and can dry your hair out horribly. To control your waves/curls, after you shampoo/condition hair apply a leave in conditioner to soaking wet hair and comb through. Let it air dry so it's damp. Then apply mousse for soft hold, or gel for a more firm hold, and a frizz cream. When blow drying hair ALWAYS use a diffuser. If not, the hot heat from the dryer will knock your curls or waves out and make it frizzy. I use Garnier Fructis shampoo/conditioner and Aussie hair products. I have natural curly hair so I feel your pain!! I hope this helps out and good luck!

Wavy/curly hair styling?

hmm i guess im suggesting to get a hair cut..or use stronger gel..dont blow dry it anymore..i have short curly hair and it gets frizzy but i use tresemme extra strength hold black bottle wth yellow hints on it. i just towel dry my hair then comb it through and gel it..and it combs out pretty tidy..hmm well dont put so much moose or anything in it..and make sure the kinda give it a few brushes as it dries..that way its no so limp or anything :]

just tring to help!! ^-^

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