Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thick hair styling problems?

I have thick, shoulder length hair. I have tried it short and long.

I get my hair cut or styled every once in awhile but i am running out of options.

All magazines and salon books have are for people with thin hair who want to make it look thick. Everytime i pick out a hairstyle in a magazine it never comes out right and i regret it.


i dont want it bigger or more "volume", i just want a nice style that i can have for awhile.

There has to be a website with ideas or a book or something for people with THICK hair.

Please help if you can


Thank You

Thick hair styling problems?

Have you ever though of layering your hair and getting it razor cut?? it helps thin your hair... i also have thick hair mine is a little shorter than my shouler and razor cut i love it .. it makes it feel so much thinner.. once it starts to grow it will start to get thicker again though but it lasts for a while and looks super cute

Thick hair styling problems?

It sounds like you want it either thinner or how it is now. You can go to the salon and ask them to thin it for you. You could also get a good flat iron to control poof.

Thick hair styling problems?

i have thick hair aswell... i like it long with layers. (lots) you can also get your hair thinned out, my sister di. i would never do it though. i like my thick hair

Thick hair styling problems?

thin out ur hair

and i know what u mean i also have thick hair and so does my friends and we hate it

i just have long layers and straight it once in a while

Thick hair styling problems?

Try layers. I've heard people say it makes it thicker, but I have thick hair and it's been in layers for over a year. It's easy to deal with, I think. Well, easiER.

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