Saturday, November 21, 2009

Is styling hair for a living bad for your health?

The fumes from perms, color, bleach, %26amp; aerosol hair products, %26amp; smoking patrons can damage the lungs.

Is styling hair for a living bad for your health?

NO. If it was you would not have 60 year old LIVING hairdressers. If you are worried about your health ask your doctor if any health issues you currently have would be effected. YOU will have sore feet. Wear good shoes. BUT you must love doing hair. OR stay out of the buisness. Report It

Is styling hair for a living bad for your health?

wtf? no not unless a mad customer decides to take the scissors to you, or spray you in the face with the hairspray

Is styling hair for a living bad for your health?

this is a weird question? why would it be? besides being on your feet most of the day and around hair products, there is nothing that would make you unhealthy. i would imagine that the hair product would bother me, but that would mean stepping outside the building and getting fresh air...

i have a lot of friends who style hair and they are perfectly healthy.

Is styling hair for a living bad for your health?


Is styling hair for a living bad for your health?

Sometimes being in a small confined room with cigarette smoke a hair spray can be hard on your lungs and standing on your feet all day can cause veins in your legs to show more.

Is styling hair for a living bad for your health?

Salon chemicals like hair color contain aniline derivative tints, which are known carcinogens. Perm and relaxer solutions are very high up on the Ph scale (alkaline), and are likewise not good for your skin.

Bleach, which is used with various levels of volumizer to "lift" or bleach the hair for highlights is another caustic chemical that if left on the skin or hands can literally burn.

The beauty industry hides quite a bit of ugliness in order to present itself as pretty. Likewise, people go through hell needlessly in order to look "good".

I won't even go into how nasty the manicure/pedicure stuff is...

Is styling hair for a living bad for your health?

only if you sniff all the hair products.....other than that no.

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