Saturday, November 21, 2009

I want a new hair style just like Dougie's from Mcfly can anyone give me any advice on how to s

I have had my hair messy and spikey for years and want to go for a new look just like Dougie from Mcfly (present) i am growing my fringe at the moment. Has anybody got any growing or styling advice for brill results.

I want a new hair style just like Dougie's from Mcfly can anyone give me any advice on how to style it etc...

Get a pair of GHD straighteners for short hair and then check out the GHD website for step-bystep guide.

Happy styling. :)

I want a new hair style just like Dougie's from Mcfly can anyone give me any advice on how to style it etc...

His hair is gorgeous!But sorry no i dont have any advice i just thought id tell you that your hair is gonna be gorgeous

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