Saturday, November 21, 2009

Girls with a sense of hair styling?

ok. so I need some help trying to find others ways to style my hair. I have brown hair that goes down to my shoulders with bangs just right on my eyebrows. I went to sites, youtube and to see some more hairstyles, and I got some. I tried to put my hair in a regular ponytail, make a wavy hair since my hair is in layers, curl my hair (not quite successful), and put my hair half way up regularly.

(I'm 18 BTW)

WHAT ELSE CAN I DO? something casual (for school), something flirty to make someone notice you? I've tried searching but I'm not too successful anymore. I need sum sort of pic, with direction or very descriptive way of doing it.


Girls with a sense of hair styling?

This is a really easy style i do all the time, and it takes care of your hairstyle for two days.

After you've washed you hair, towel dry then brush it.

Then, section by section (they can be big or small), twist or twirl your hair and randomly pin it up (looks better if the pins blend into your hair colour).

Once all of your hair is done, your ready to go. Its a casual yet really pretty style that nobody else is going to have.


This works best when your hair is wet. Leave it in all day, and sleep in it that night if you can. In the morning, take out all the bobby pins and you'll have your second style, pretty waves. Dont brush your hair, or your waves will come out. Scrunch your favourite hair smoother or repairer (I LOVE Schwartzcopft hair repair spray, instant shiny beautiful hair) and your ready to go!

Hope this was helpful.

Girls with a sense of hair styling?

make it natural like when you wake up ans cumb it keep it down

Girls with a sense of hair styling?

here are some hair styles

Girls with a sense of hair styling?

Just keep it natural

Girls with a sense of hair styling?

I don't usually go to Seventeen for much advice (I'm more of the modest type of young woman) but, they do have really good hair styling tips. Here's the link-

Girls with a sense of hair styling?

Look up Kate Nash. Her hair is what I picture your hair to look like. Try her hair style

Girls with a sense of hair styling?

I always liked the swept bangs, you will have to grow them out a little so they hang over one brow with a flipped out bottom. The first picture shows the flipped out hair which I can do with a flat iron or curling iron and the second picture with Jessica Simpson shows the bang,when I was first growing out the bang I had to wear a bobby pin in it for a couple weeks to let it grow and train it to go the way I want.

Best Wishes!!!!!!

Girls with a sense of hair styling?

I like to make big wavy curls with a curling iron then pull parts of my bangs back with pins...

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