Saturday, November 21, 2009

Any hair styling ideas?

I have brown angled hair (shortest in the front is 12 inches, and the longest at the back is 18 inches). I also have long bangs (they are 4 1/2 inches so they are obviously too long to wear as normal front bangs, so i've been pushing them to one side of my face, not parted down the middle)My hair is naturally straight. I usually just straighten my hair with a flat iron, but that is too boring. If any one has any good hair styling ideas that they use or know of, it'd be an easy way to 10 points to share. Also if anyone had any haircut ideas, that'd be good also. %26amp; pictures would be great! :)

Any hair styling ideas?

i pretty much have the same kind of hair as you, except my hair is wavy. when im bored of flat ironing, i pull out the curling iron. when i've curled my hair, i normally leave the bangs straight, just because they look better that way and i part it on the side. i also buy pretty clips (any drugstore probably has them) that are like bobby pins with little rhinestones on the ends and the side with less hair back. its a change from my normally straight hair and it adds great volume!

another thing i do is if my hair is straight but it looks flat, i take my bangs and some hair in the front, twist it back and then pull it into a medium bun (about an inch from the nape of the neck) the twist looks really cool from the back and it doesnt show how flat my hair is that day!

i also sometimes braid the crown of my hair. basically, you french braid sideways along your hairline and it looks like a headband, and also keeps the hair out of your face!

-hope these help!

Any hair styling ideas?

What I have been doing lately that I really love is BRAIDS. They are super popular right now too. You can keep straight ironing your hair, but pull your bangs to your one side (sounds like you already do that) and start braiding from the top...but pull your hair sideways along the side of your face when you are braiding, not straight down or else it will not give you the look I am thinking of ya? Does that make sense? Then once you have ran out of hair to braid, pin it back behind your ear w/ a bobby pin. Then the rest of your hair should just lay normal and should hide the bobby pin. Let me know if you have any more questions k? :) Good Luck!

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